Cybercrime is one of the most significant, looming threats of to your business, but what you may not realize is that your own employees are what makes you vulnerable.

Put another way, your employees – no matter where they sit on your organizational chart – are both your best defense against cyberattacks and your biggest liability. In fact, the Internet Security Council produced a report, now a couple of years old, estimating that 97 percent of all cyber breaches could have been avoided or had a reduced impact if the victims had done some of the fundamental things to prevent such an incident.

So, whether you are a business, a government body or a family, what are those steps you should take and are you doing any of them currently?

According to Data Privacy Monitor, employee errors including losing devices, and falling prey to phishing schemes were the leading enablers of cybercrime. Putting all the technical protections in place is an essential step, but failing to train employee how to be vigilant with your data can undo a lot of what you’ve done.

In cybersecurity, your organization truly is only as strong as its weakest link because hackers will test every link to find a way to get what they want.